Friday, September 3


Studies, statistics, and academic types all agree. 'They' (the indubitable phantom of persuasion) say that the chances of changing opinion after a first impression is made are very low. Not to say that it cannot be done. I am here to tell you of one of these scarce occurrences.

I am an avid reader. I read - a lot. I started really reading in the 7th grade. That is when I read my first whole book. Dragons of Autumn Twilight was that book. Well, that was the end of it. My imagination shall forever be tinted with the blood of dragons, elves, knights, and so on. Needless to say it was several years before I took a breath. I decided to step into another genre...and read Dune. Well, not as far away as I was attempting to get, but it was a step.

During this time, my opinions and thoughts about literature in general were formed. There were books, then there were BOOKS. I couldn’t (and still can’t) get enough of stories about heroes, and wars, and saving the world. I tried to look about me and see what other people were reading. It is this time that I took my actual first look at Stephen King. I knew nothing but his name. It took my all of 5 seconds to become anti-King. Just a glance at the bookstore and I was set against him. There was a bigger Stephen King section than that devoted to my entire genre! I have always deep down resented (and admired) the McDonaldization of our society, and I thought King was the manifestation of that horrendous societal behemoth.

Ah to be young and idealistic.

Part 2 later….The Transformation