Thursday, September 2

Good Morning Vietnam

I wonder how someone can sit down and watch, really watch John Kerry speak for more than 10 minutes and not throw up in one's mouth. The man makes satire way too easy. If you take a random sample of 100 continuous words from a Kerry speech/interview/public record you can find another 100 words somewhere in the last 20 years stating the exact opposite.

I admit, politics anger me, liberals more than others, but the man is like a dead fish in the middle of the ocean, you cannot tell what shore he'll wash up on next week, and as soon as you throw him back out, he drifts somewhere else.

It must be hard being a politician. It would be extremely challenging to have an opinion on everything, from the speed limit on country roads in New Mexico, to the labor negotiations of the Longshoremen in San Fran. But come on...I own 12 SUVs...I do not own an SUV. I don't get it.

Just an aside here for a moment, I live in the ultra-liberal Puget Sound region of Washington State. This is the stomping grounds of Ralph Nader. I am not a Nader fan, but I have to feel sorry for the guy, I mean he is a 'Socialist' (Read:Communist) and he cannot get more than 1% of the vote. That is how drippingly liberal Kerry is.

Enough about that.